Maftask process running on malware-tainted Mac Clicking it doesn’t remove the culprit, though. You should move it to the Bin/Trash.” This predicament wouldn’t be nearly as troublesome if the “Move to Bin” button actually did what it says.
The telltale sign of this particular scenario is an influx of popup notifications saying, “Navlibx (helperamc/helpermcp/hlpradc/spchplr) will damage your computer. Whereas the Maftask process could stay idle on older versions of Apple’s software platform, the new build, evidently, comes with enhanced security features and has started giving users a heads-up about the presence of the infection that used to run silently in the background. This issue saw a sharp increase with the upgrade to macOS Catalina 10.15 rolled out globally in October 2019. The most conspicuous symptom is obnoxious popup activity, where the victims encounter numerous alerts generated both by the virus proper and by the operating system. Maftask, also referred to as Maf-Task, is a malicious Mac process that impacts a host computer in a number of ways. You should move it to the Trash/Bin” popup in MacOS?