All 400 level CS courses will be restricted from first-time freshman. **CS 240: This course will only be open to will be open to all CS+ majors with the exception of CS + MATH and CS GENG are required to take 233/241. CS program as a freshman must take CS 126, any transfer student that had CS 225 completed when they started must take CS 242.CS233 at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for Fall 2012 on Piazza, an intuitive Q&A platform for students and instructors.This volume describes new methods in this area, with special emphasis on classification and clus Modern data analysis stands at the interface of statistics, computer science, and discrete mathematics.CS 233 - Computer Architecture course and professor ratings at Illinois (UIUC).Addeddate 15:10:33 Collection manuals texts additional_collections Identifier tractormanuals Mediatype collection Publicdate 15:10:33.It is the first 'real' programming class that you will take in that, afterwards, you will feel very capable of producing code for almost any situation. CS 225 (data structures) is an obvious contender.